Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Barcelona, Spain....with Courtney!!

So many of you may remember Courtney. Courtney has been a friend of mine since 6th grade back when I was at Holy Ghost. We went to Marian together and continued in the same path at the University of Illinois as business students.  She is currently studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain (Geez....we're a lot alike).

Naturally, it was necessary that we see each other and explore some place in Europe together. Surprisingly, she had never been to Barcelona, and that was my #1 choice for a trip to Spain.  I flew in a little bit after them and met them at our really nice hostel. To our surprise, when we saw each other, we weren't even that emotional, LOL. We talked about it, and we think it is because we literally talk everyday since we are on the same time zone. Studying abroad was a lot more manageable on those "home sick" days, because I could always hop on Skype and talk to Courtney about it! Thanks lady!!!

If you are interested in her travels, you can follow her blog at:!

Us goofing off on Las Ramblas, as usual! 
With Courtney was Elise Joyner, from NYC. She was a cool girl. It takes a lot to deal with Courtney and I together because we are goofy, full of sarcastic comments, and really strange, to be honest.

All in all, Spain was great. We were able to see a lot in such a small amount of time. However, if you were with us, you would have thought the following:

1. Boy, these girls are hungry.
2. These girls sleep a lot.
3. These girls are addicted to "trashy" American TV (aka Bad Girls Club on the Oxygen Network)
4. I thought they knew Spanish....

Here are some pictures from our adventures:

Christmas but approached 70 degrees the last day :-)

Chocolate, fruit, and nuts galore

Us...notice Santa's rear end in the background

Paella!!! NOM NOM.

Chupitos...alcoholic shots on fire....Spanish tradition, they tell me.

A group of American friends we found on the street randomly..

Pretty ladies! 
Unfortunately, Courtney and Elise had to return to Sevilla on Sunday because of exams, but I was able to stay one more day and explore Barcelona...alone. It was a strange experience, but I'm really glad I did it for at least a day. Ended up doing some pretty intense hiking, climbing, and running. Got to see the castle and got an AMAZING view of the city. Here are some pictures from my independent exploration!

Inside of Sagrada of the most amazing churches I have ever seen in Europe. Built in 1908

Plaza de Espana!

A great view of the city!

A nice man noticed I was alone, and offered to take my picture!

Another nice lady offered to take my picture...apparently I looked like a loner!

This is Spain's main department store...reminded me of Macys! 
Overall, this trip to Spain was much less stressful then Italy, very enjoyable, and really great to see Courtney. Spain is another country that I think I could spend weeks in. Along with probably 6 other countries I've been to.

On the coast in Barcelona, Spain!

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