Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Two Week Countdown

If there is a moment in these next two weeks where I don't seem a little moody, I'll be surprised.  The two week countdown has officially started, and this trip is proving to be the best and most STRESSFUL thing that has ever happened to me. On a good note, Atina will be my roommate, which is exciting.  After a random pairing of the hundreds of international students living in our building, I was lucky enough to be with a U of I student--strange.

Classes: Well, that's an amazing topic to discuss. I leave September 6th for the Austrian hills, but I don't start class until October 11....the best part, I finish with all my classes on December 21.  This innovative mindset I'm looking for is going to happen in the "blink of an eye."  

So America, our days our limited.....let's make it count.